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Summer demands a Pop of Colour

Add a fresh pop of colour to your apartment for summer!

Summer is a time of warm weather, many fun outdoor activities and fresh meals enjoyed outdoors with friends. There are some easy updates you can make to not only make sure your apartment matches the summer mood, but to also maximize your enjoyment of summertime activities.

Kitchen refresh to enjoy seasonal summer meals There is so much amazing produce available during summer that it can be hard to get around to enjoying it all. Clean out your refrigerator to have plenty of space for summer fruits and veggies. Maybe even make more frequent, smaller trips to the store to enjoy more fresh items that don’t save as long at home.Smoothies, iced coffee drinks and blended cocktails all scream summer. Rearrange your countertop to have plenty of counter space and easy access to your blender.

Place nice cutting boards in arms reach to chop and dice fresh fruits and veggies and serve casual charcuterie platters, fruit trays or cheese boards for easy summer entertaining.

Keep your summer wardrobe handy Trips to the beach, lake or pool are great summer pastimes, as are hikes and picnic. Temporarily designate an easy to access part of your closet for swimsuits, cover ups and sandals. Place a decorative basket out for beach totes, towels and sun hats. If you enjoy picnics frequently, an attractive picnic basket can double as a seasonal decor between uses and be put in storage for winter.

Incorporate summer colors into your living space Summer colors could mean bright pops of color, or sandy beiges and neutrals. Whatever your preference is, a lightweight throw or thin comforter, new throw pillows or bathroom towels can help make your living space match your summertime mood.

For impromptu summer night gatherings, keep some inexpensive but attractive plates, cups and napkins out which also double as decor. Keep outdoor patios and balconies swept and kitchen areas clean so you can enjoy last minute company with zero stress.

Whatever your favorite summertime pastime may be, it is a great time to enjoy with friends. Maximize this fun and eventful season by making your apartment rental adapt to your summer style and activities!


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