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Healthy Tips for Apartment Living

Although spring is upon us, staying healthy for the end of cold and flu season is still of utmost importance. Here are some healthy tips for people and pets when we may need to spend extra time at home.

Home Workouts Home workouts are becoming increasingly popular at a time when concern over illness and germs are keeping people away from gyms. Workout basics can be purchased at affordable prices and stored in a decorative basket. A yoga/workout mat, dumbbells, a kettlebell and resistance bands are all affordable and easy to store when not in use. Try to pick the same time each day that you dedicate to different types of home workouts. Regular exercise is essential for maintaining a healthy body and mind.

Kitchen Tips Keep healthy and immunity-boosting foods in stock. Fresh green veggies and fruits can be washed and stored in stackable containers in your fridge. Having some frozen veggies and fruits is also a good idea for backup. Remain hydrated with lemon water and tea, since sugary drinks are neither hydrating nor healthy. Adding in a green smoothie can be a great alternative way to get your veggies in for the day if you get tired of salads or cooked vegetables. Soups are another wonderful and nourishing food that can be packed with veggies. Soup can also be made in large batches and frozen for an easy meal in the future.

Healthy Pets Don’t forget about your apartment pets! Dogs still need regular exercise and walking in the fresh air in a non-crowded area is good for both you and your furry companion. Trails or quiet neighborhood streets are perfect for a quick walk or jog. If you have a pet, work to make this a priority. You can always check the weather to get a quick walk in even on rainy days. Be sure to stock up on food for your pet in case there is a period of time you are unable to get to the store. It is a good idea to have a corner dedicated to their food and water bowls that is always kept clean and fresh. Pet toys can be stored in a small decorative basket. On very rainy or difficult days, indoor play sessions can also help your pets to get exercise.

Remember that keeping your apartment clean, fresh and well stocked will keep yourself, your family and your pets healthy and happy. With just a few small changes and reminders, we can live healthy and happy lives even during this season where cold and flu worries are at their highest.


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