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Exercising Your Dog in Your Apartment!

Updated: Dec 18, 2018

Ironclad Properties Pet Friendly Apartments for Rent in Winnipeg

It is common knowledge that dogs need exercise to be healthy and happy. It is crucial for them to maintain a healthy weight and to feel relaxed and rest peacefully at night and during downtime. This can be more of a challenge if you live in an apartment. However, it is possible to give your dog a happy and healthy life while living in a small space.

Ironclad Properties Pet Friendly Apartments for Rent in Victoria

1. Daily Walks

For pet owners who work full time, a brisk walk/run before and after work is a great way to get in some exercise. The longer the better, but even a short walk is better than nothing. If you feel up to it, mix in little increments of jogging! Try to aim for at least fifteen minutes twice a day, perhaps making one of your daily walks longer than the other as time allows. If it happens to be raining, dogs still need their walk – although you may need to shorten it as needed. Factor in a little extra time to clean off their muddy feet and give them a quick towel-dry before settling back in.

Pet Friendly Apartments for Rent in Victoria

2. Indoor Play

Sessions while hanging out indoors, dogs love a spontaneous game of fetch, tug of war with their favorite toy, or chase. These quick play sessions are exercise too, and fun for you and your pet! You can multitask and give them some active play while you catch up on your favorite show or clean up around the house. This time also gives them the much-desired attention that they crave. Don't under estimate playing and exercising indoors, especially on some of the Cold Winter days!

Pet Friendly Apartments for Rent in Victoria | Ironclad Properties Inc.

3. Dog Parks

Most cities have dog parks where dogs can run off leash and play with other dogs. If you have time after work or on weekends, this is a great way for your dog to run freely and get excellent exercise. Just make sure that your dog plays well with others before you go.

Make Time For Your Dog!

Everyone’s schedule is different, but the bottom line is that making time for your dog to interact with you and get exercise is crucial for his or her health. If possible, try to stop in during lunch to check on them, or have a friend or family member come be with them for a little while if you know you have a long day lined up.

Dogs are known as man’s (or woman’s) best friend, and this is for a reason! They are endlessly loyal, affectionate and loving. Give back by being the human companion they need and deserve.


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